Display Glass Technology | Thin-Film Transistor Liquid Display Glass Substrate Technology | Corning

康宁's display glass technology helps customers
solve some of the industry's most complex challenges.

Our Glass Substrates

康宁® EAGLE XG® Slim Glass

康宁® EAGLE XG® Slim Glass

Our flagship glass, available in a wide variety of form factors, including exceptionally thin and large-size sheets

Our flagship glass, available in a wide variety of form factors, including exceptionally thin and large-size sheets

康宁® Astra™ Glass

康宁® Astra™ Glass

康宁® Astra™ Glass

Our stellar innovation, balanced to accommodate high resolution across a broad range of processing temperatures

Our stellar innovation, balanced to accommodate high resolution across a broad range of processing temperatures

康宁Lotus™ NXT Glass

康宁Lotus™ NXT Glass

康宁Lotus™ NXT Glass

Our premium glass with leading TPV for the most demanding processing requirements

Our premium glass with leading TPV for the most demanding processing requirements

Recent News

康宁Announces Moderate Price Increase for Display Glass Products

康宁Announces Moderate Price Increase for Display Glass Products

康宁is announcing a moderate increase to its display glass substrate prices in the third quarter of 2021

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康宁Celebrates Grand Opening of Gen 10.5 LCD Glass Plant in Wuhan, China

康宁Celebrates Grand Opening of Gen 10.5 LCD Glass Plant in Wuhan, China

The facility will support BOE, China’s leading panel maker

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Glass plays a role on your electronic device from the inside out.
